Just want share with you something that I saw in the documentary An Inconvenient Truth last few days about Al Gore, the man who was former Vice President of U.SIt talks about Global Warming presented by
Al Gore an environmentalist. In the movie Al Gore brings facts to the eyes of the public about Global Warming and explain to them the danger of Global Warming and the situation of the earth in the past ,present and future.I believe all of us have at one point or other in our life read about global warming and melting icebergs, complained about lunch-time heat, and heard about horrendous storms happening in real life that we thought only appear in the movie The Perfect Storm. Have you ever put one and one together and understand how all these are related to us and our future?Well, one thing that made me sit up during the show was seeing how the rate at which temperatures have been rising and shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica melting. An Inconvenient Truth is an interesting movie and I advice the people to watch it so that they will know the danger that we are in. Its also tell us a lot about Global Warming.
This is the movie link:
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